Rainfall amounts exceeding 50mm is expected over parts of Murang’a, Kakamega and Nyamira counties during the forecast period (Tuesday 11th June, 2024 to Monday 17th June, 2024).
Weekly Biomet Bulletin 11th -17th June 2024
Maximum Temperatures exceeding 35°C is expected over parts of Turkana (Lodwar) and Mandera Counties during the forecast period (Tuesday 11th June,2024 to Monday 17th June, 2024).
i) Areas expected to receive more than 50 mm of weekly total rainfall have a high likelihood of occurrence of waterborne diseases (e.g. diarrhea) and Vector borne diseases (e.g. Malaria), especially in areas with poor drainage. Residents are advised to be on the lookout for such diseases and take necessary action.
ii) Residents living in areas expected to experience temperatures of more than 35°C have a high risk of being infected with skin diseases e.g. skin rash.
iii) Areas expected to experience less than 10°C have a high likelihood of occurrence of cold weather diseases. e.g. Asthma, pneumonia, common cold and flu. Residents are advised to be on the lookout for such diseases and take necessary action.
iv) Winds of more than 25 knots (12.9m/s). These winds are strong enough and able to blow dust especially over bare grounds. The blown dust may increase the risk of respiratory infections e.g. Cold and flu diseases. These diseases are quite common during the dry weather conditions. Residents are advised to be on the lookout for such diseases and take necessary protective measures.