Monthly Forecast April 2024

Rainfall Forecast

Rainfall is expected across most parts of the country. Specifically, it is anticipated that the Lake Victoria Basin, Highlands West of the Rift Valley, Northern, Central, and South Rift Valley, Highlands East of the Rift Valley including Nairobi, South-Eastern Lowlands, Northwestern, Northeastern, and the Coastal region will receive increased rainfall. Additionally, it's important to note that isolated episodes of heavy rainfall may occur in various parts of the country during the month.

The forecast for April 2024

April is the peak month of the "Long Rains" season. The outlook indicates that near to above-average rainfall is expected across most parts of the country. Specifically, it is anticipated that the Lake Victoria Basin, Highlands West of the Rift Valley, Northern, Central, and South Rift Valley, Highlands East of the Rift Valley including Nairobi, South-Eastern Lowlands, Northwestern, Northeastern, and the Coastal region will receive increased rainfall. Additionally, it's important to note that isolated episodes of heavy rainfall may occur in various parts of the country during the month.