Monthly Forecast for August 2024


The forecast for August 2024 indicates that several parts of the country will experience generally dry and sunny conditions. However, the Highlands West of the Rift Valley, Lake Victoria Basin, Central and Southern Rift Valley, and parts of the Highlands East of the Rift Valley are likely to receive above-average rainfall. The northwestern region is expected to remain generally dry, although some areas bordering Uganda and South Sudan may experience occasional rainfall that is anticipated to be above average. The Coastal Strip is likely to remain generally dry with occasional rainfall expected to be near to slightly above the August Long-Term Mean (LTM). Intermittent cool and cloudy conditions, accompanied by rains, are expected to prevail in the Central Highlands, Nairobi area, and parts of the Southeastern lowlands, western Kenya, and the Central and South Rift Valley during the month. Additionally, temperatures are anticipated to be warmer than normal across most parts of the country, except in a few areas of West Pokot, where temperatures are expected to be near the August LTM..