7 Days Marine Forecast 21st-27th May 2024


General Outlook

Wind Speed & Direction:

  • Easterly winds are expected over Somali waters with wind speeds of 30 knots (15 m/s) hence South Easterly winds are expected over Kenya and Tanzania waters with winds of 10 to 30Knots (5- 15m/s) during the entire forecast period.

Sig. Wave Height and Direction:

  • South-easterly turning south westerlies waves expected over Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania waters with expected wave height of 1.5 to 3.6m (5-12ft) throughout the entire forecast period.

Sea conditions:

  • Moderate sea condition with wave heights of 1.5-2.7m (5-9ft) expected over Somalia
  • While moderate to strong sea conditions of wave height 1.5 -3.6m (5-12ft) expected over Kenya and Tanzania waters.
  • Fresh to strong breeze with wind speeds of (10 to 30 Knots) expected over Somalia,Kenya and Tanzania waters .Small boats and crafts advised not to venture into deepsea areas during the entire forecast period.