Transformative Environmental Monitoring to Boost Observations in Africa

Developing Flood Early Warning Systems to Mitigate Water-Related Geo-Hazards

Transformative Environmental Monitoring to Boost Observations in Africa

The Transformative Environmental Monitoring to Boost Observations in Africa (TEMBO) project at the Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD), is an innovative initiative designed to revolutionize environmental monitoring and enhance resilience to climate-related challenges in Kenya. The project leverages on cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies to strengthen observational networks, improve climate and weather services, and support sustainable development. A core focus of the TEMBO project is the development of early warning systems for water-related geo-hazards, with a priority on flood mitigation. The initial service under this objective is a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) tailored for smaller cities with populations under one million, starting with Narok and Kisumu. These systems will empower communities and local governments to anticipate and respond effectively to flood risks, safeguarding lives and livelihoods. Looking ahead, TEMBO aims to scale its services based on market demands, extending flood warnings to river basin levels and addressing additional hazards such as droughts and landslides. Through strategic partnerships, capacity building, and a commitment to innovative solutions, the TEMBO project is fostering resilience, informed decision-making, and sustainable growth for communities across Africa.