Strengthening Early Warning Systems For Anticipatory Actions

Producing high resolution short to medium range probabilistic weather forecasts through machine learning

Strengthening Early Warning Systems For Anticipatory Actions

Strengthening Early Warning Systems for Anticipatory Actions project in Kenya, supported by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and funded by, aims to enhance disaster preparedness by integrating machine learning into early warning systems. Collaborating with the Kenya Meteorological Department, the Ethiopian Meteorological Institute, the University of Oxford, and other partners, the project seeks to improve the accuracy and timeliness of forecasts, enabling communities to take proactive measures against climate-related hazards. The project levelages advanced technologies, the project aspires to transform early warning systems in the IGAD region, fostering resilience and reducing the adverse impacts of disasters on vulnerable populations.

Our Areas of Work

Skills assessment

Strengthen historical observation datasets

Offer expertise in artificial intelligence, weather prediction, early warning systems and emergency response